Photography & Videography: A Seamless Wedding Experience

Capture every detail and relive the magic with our combined photography and videography services.



My name is Marjorie, but you can call me MJ.

I speak native Brazilian Portuguese, English and Spanish fluently.



Maria & Joao

We had the pleasure of working with MJ for our wedding photography and are thrilled that we found her! She was incredible to work with and her expertise was top tier. MJ is extremely creative, positive, knowledgable, communicative, and truly knows how to bring any vision to life. We were so lucky to work with her, especially as she was able to speak to our guests in Portuguese and English which was extremely important to us. You can tell she knows exactly what she is doing. We are so thankful for MJ.

MJ Commercial Photography Studios


Galtsand Brand

MJ is nothing short of exceptional! Our brand, Galtsand, recently had the pleasure of working with Marjorie for a photoshoot at a stunning equestrian farm near our Wellington store. She was incredibly professional, while making everyone feel comfortable and at ease.Marjorie has a rare talent for capturing simple moments and raw, natural emotions in a way that feels both authentic and timeless. We highly recommend her for any event or brand photography needs—she’s simply fantastic!


Services &Accolades

In addition to wedding photography and videography, we offer services for a variety of other events and occasions such as corporate events, birthday parties, family gatherings, bar/bat mitzvah, quince, baptism, competitive sports and more.

South Florida & Beyond